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The Tech in Traditional Vehicle Batteries

Before we tackle the advantages of maintenance-free batteries, you should first understand how a traditional vehicle battery works. That way, the benefits of the maintenance-free type will be more obvious.

The automotive vehicle battery was invented in 1859 by Gaston Plante and uses lead-acid. It has 2 terminals with sulphuric acid on one side and distilled water on the other. This is what powers the battery. Because the electrical reaction depletes water (it becomes hydrogen and oxygen gas), this requires you to keep adding water to the battery to ensure it keeps running.

Benefits of Choosing a Maintenance-Free Battery

With a traditional vehicle battery, you’ll have to perform maintenance on it so it doesn’t die on you. However, as the name suggests, a maintenance-free battery doesn’t require you to do so.

This is because this type of battery uses terminals made of lead and calcium. It reutilises the hydrogen and oxygen gas released (oxygen recombination cycle), which allows the closed system to be self-sustaining. That’s just one of the main benefits of choosing a maintenance-free battery over a traditional one. Read on to find out more.

There Is More Resistance to Corrosion

When you have to constantly fill up your vehicle battery with water, you risk overfilling it. The leaked acid can then cause corrosion on your battery, which may interfere with its performance. This can be a hassle to deal with, and you may have to spend extra time and effort to get rid of said corrosion.

There are also corrosion-resistant grids inside. Plus, the calcium in the battery makes it inherently resistant to corrosion. This means you won’t have to deal with breakdowns due to this issue, nor will you have to clean it off.

Lower Chances of Overheating

If a vehicle battery overheats, then it’s no good. While overcharging can cause this to happen, other factors may contribute to overheating as well.

The maintenance-free battery is carefully designed with the issue of overheating in mind. For instance, the RB maintenance-free battery has Double Ventilation Technology. This prevents an excess of both pressure and heat from building up through the use of an intricate ventilation process. There are also Rapid Cool Down Separators, which help maintain an optimal temperature for the battery.

It Lasts Longer

Because maintenance-free batteries utilise the oxygen recombination cycle, this means there’s minimum water loss. These are completely sealed, except for a tiny hole used as a vent. So again, the water loss will be negligible.

As a result, maintenance-free batteries will last for much longer than traditional vehicle batteries. Its slow self-discharge rate makes it so you won’t have to replace your vehicle battery as often.

Get a ROKER-RS Maintenance-Free Battery for Your Vehicle Today

As you can see, a maintenance-free battery has so many benefits to drivers. Not only do you get rid of the maintenance steps, but you also won’t have to deal with any hazardous situations.

Maintenance-free batteries also last longer than traditional vehicle batteries, as they use state-of-the-art technology to avoid overheating and corrosion. If you want to take good care of your vehicle, then the obvious choice is to swap the old out for the new. Make life easier on yourself by picking up a maintenance-free battery.

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